Will it die if i put it in soil?
What would you tell her if you could speak to her?
What is wrong with my Barrel cactus? Help!
This is what i think the Girls/ Tuxedo Masks Moves and typings would be in a Pokemon based moveset
Why are they actually kind of fine AND cunty.
How this sub see's it
How bayonetta fans see her
Did I kill it?
My aloidendron ramosisimum is splitting into 3 at base . What should I do?!
I left this syngonium in a my bathroom cabinet for months. it turned into onions
What’s going on here?
Do these plants look silly?
I genuinely love and adore bugs so much but I’m so glad i wasn’t born as one. Poor dude fell like 15 meters from a tree only to be impaled on thorns.
Uldan Region starters!
Ready to plant or should I wait a bit longer?
Will this propagate?
Please help, can he survive
Grasshopper and beetle
Is it dying?
Why are my ZZ leaf props dying?
How to keep airplant alive for 2 months without water?
I like how the Cats movie got ridiculed for creepy cat people, meanwhile Blacksad got away with it scotfree💀
Bayonetta 3 is a good and functional game that is good and functions.
Junko Kaname is just LIFE! Who embodies REPRESSED NEGATIVE EMOTION?
What the heck do I do about this