The leader of my red maple is suddenly almost four feet taller than the rest of the tree. What’s going on?
What I ride today vs what I bought 3 years ago
New one done
Just finished my 95 evo sporty build.
Another one by Tony Talbert at Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival in Fredericksburg, VA
I can’t for the life of me pick a plan for an elbow piece and I’m open to suggestions (anything but a rose)
Tony Talbert at Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival in Fredericksburg, VA
Cowgirl done by Tony Talbert @ Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival in Fredericksburg, VA
Finally got another from Tony Talbert @ Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival
It ain’t much, but it’s honest work
For sale 1972 cb 550 $800
Massive Great White casually swims beneath surfers
Drone photo of Solomons Island
CACTUS LEATHER - latest in faux leather, derived from Nopal (prickly-pear) cactus; a breathable, cruelty free, sustainable alternative, without any toxic chemicals, phthalates, or PVC.
So yea
Have y’all tried this yet?
Back again. Sorry y’all, I just have so much love for IF and you’re all so inspiring to me.
November 13 2019 to February 4 2020, 16:8, cut out beer, avoid carbs and processed food .. 260 —> 210
Probably the most emotional I've ever got about something. Progress from September 1st 2019 to Feb 1st 2020. 210 pounds to 160 pounds.
Screw you chin!!! OMAD keto. Face exercises.
I’m gonna tell my kids this was Ted Bundy
Psoriasis and alpha-gal allergy? Anyone here have it?
If your reddit username would predict the way you die, how will it happen?
Any idea what product is used to achieve this look?