Self hate
What is that one word which describes your life?
Whats a 10/10 movie youd never watch again?
What is your current phone wallpaper?
It’s almost the end of the year, drop in your wallpapers
What are your real life horror experience?
What songs are currently your favourite?
What is that one thing which you don't like about you ?
What are your experiences of taking antidepressants ?
Women who cheated do you regret it ?
What is the meanest thing someone said to you and it is stucked in you since then ?
Just want to talk to someone
What are the methods you guys use to reduce anxiety?
What songs will you suggest to have a good cry ?
Feeling left out between group of friends.
What to do when you are second choice of your friends ?
When was the last time you cried and why ?
How are you doing?
What does it feels like to be the first choice of someone ?
Anybody wanna join our chat
What is the worst thing which someone has said to you ?
What is that one thing which you want to change in yourself ?
Nobody listens.