What new characters would you like to see in the game?
I've been deeply depressed. What are some light hearted comics you'd recommend?
These are my four favorite female TV characters. Who are yours?
Favorite movies that start with the letter A? example:
[LFA] Griffin the Goblin, info in the comments.
What's your worldbuilding quirk?
What movies are in your top 4?
What songs does this image make you think of?
These are my top 5 favorite horror movies. What are yours?
If you want to turn your brain off and have a good time, I highly recommend this. Make sure it's the original cut will all the gore.
So with Nic Cage being thrown in by the Entity, who else do you all want to be thrown in?
What’s the best song of the 80s for you?
This movie is totally 10/10 🔪 HIGHLY recommend
Who is your favorite adaptation of Harley??
Who else has watched this? It's definitely a new favorite. I'd highly recommend it.
Apparently I'm not as good at masking as I previously thought.
What do we call him?
Who's going to be watching?
[LFA] Ogre Head the underground guardian of the city of Styx. (Info in the comments.)
What are the main inspirations for your world?
[RF] Vick, a survivor girl in the slasher apocalypse
[RF] Vick, a survivor girl in the Slasher Apocalypse for u/Shogun-Moon
[LFA] [LFA] Vick, a survivor girl in the Slasher Apocalypse. (Info in the comments)
Can y'all give me some recommendations to add to this list?
Who is the best Batman Beyond Love Interest?