How Would You Have Rewritten Never Again?
To you, what is the most disturbing/traumatising episode? I will count how many times “Home” is mentioned.
What do you think was the better movie Fight The Future or I Want To Believe
Who do you think the DCU Justice League lineup should be made up of?
What's your i'll-be-there-no-matter-what director? [M Night Shyamalan]
Krycek is Samantha
What Movie Sex Scenes Are Etched Into Your Mind Permanently?
Best standalone episode for youth group?
Why does Diana always look like she just came back from Nam 😭
Did anyone else dislike them ?
Doggett hate needs to stop
What will an entire season focused on Jesus's death look like? (Season 6, unless I'm wrong.)
Why this man needs to be Bruce Wayne
Do any of my fellow X-Files fans follow David Duchovny's music or literature?
Grimm reboot to be "a movie." But there are franchise hopes...
James Gunn and sexy scenes
Why can’t I see buddy’s MASSIVE King Kong Dong in this shot?
What Does Everyone Think Of X? Good, Neutral, Bad?
What's your main concern for Superman?
maybe the cheating'll cancel out!
I hate it so much
Honest Opinion About Amazon
What’s your favorite book in the series?
Bill Mulder Good Guy or Scumbag ?
You ever pick up a VET shift and regret it later?