Would you judge someone going to a english country pub all by themselves for a meal?
Why do girls seem to all have an insane memory compared to men?
Are police stop and search footage confidential in England?
Are police stop and search footage confidential?
How long do places like coffee shpos, stores, libraries keep cctv footage for before deleting it?
How do I decide what I want to do with my life?
Cravings Cravings Cravings. Does it get easier?
What percentage of your gross income are you paying on rent?
Does anyone know of any support groups for young people who are worried and anxious about their future?
Am I Going in the Wrong Direction in Life?
What on earth is going on with reddit right now!
Meditation by Focusing on Sound Instead of Breath—How Does It Differ?
How Do I Get Into Cybersecurity?
Would you ever murder someone if you could get away with it without ever getting caught. If yes, then who will it be?
From what amount of money and up do you call someone rich?