24S2 PEOPLE ASSEMBLE!! Copium layi hoon for you😘
Ye to notice karne wali baat hai
where can i get all 2025 pyqs
Other side of story! A slap to IIT Milkmen ft.culprit & jhindhall
A question...(Ik I'm a dumbfck)
chem aits doubt(probably basic af)
27,547 Scores Recorded (as of 06/05/25-18:55) at "j2025scorecard" Marks Calculator. Here are some key insights from the score data
24 jan shift 2 Some Hopium Guys
Best offline coachigs in delhi for JEE.
Abe yaar 24s2 sahi me easiest shift hai kya?
22s1 mystery
Man how tf will 22s1 go to 210 marks for 99 what r mathongo saying man
Ye raita kaise sametu?
2020 Marks vs Percentile shiftwise
I don't deserve this
Now I am feeling like a burden to my parents
What would be the ultimate material for the chemistry olympiad?
dede bhai nta response sheet
old chemistry ncert pdf wanted
predicted marks vs percentile
Did I get this correct?
What do they ask in physics viva?
why is chemistry compulsory for jee
is anup sir telling the truth or just fear mongering?
Marks vs Percentile