Factorio Bot Rush Base
My (still) growing Gregtech CE base - mid EV edition
Ideas for an efficient closed-loop HVAC system?
Factorio Space Rush Base
I guess I found Jupiter
Someone was talking s*** about grid-based bases
Non-impressive new guy factory. Feedback welcome
Subfactories are 90% train station now
My plans for a compact factory were ruined by an unexpected game limit
PSA: Don't be dumb like me. Assembler + requester + arithmetic combinator = life changing
You are offered ten million dollars to re-live the same day for ten years straight.
TiP: don't forget to limit your output chests! Around 24k down the toilet. So that's why I never had enough blue circuits for my rockets...
I spent hours trying to get nuclear power running ... on Vulcanus
Has the backer names' time finally come?
how can i cause the most chaos in a server with 1 barrier block???
Gleba. You won congratulations...
Finally figured out why my machines take random damage on 2.0
Mega Belt Mall
Blurry items at low FPS
If you were sentenced to death and had to pick your method of execution, what would you choose, and why?
Rate my 4d skin
I (27F) think my younger brother(23M) may have flashed me.
We are now 450660 seconds from factorio space age.
Wube Probably Done With Factorio, For Now At Least
Sombro's, are we cooked?