Welcome to the Beginner's Guide To Crime
Can't claim heist rewards or level up guns even though I'm finishing heists fully. Is there a fix?
Xbox - Disappearing items FIX
Dang i have too much free time
Someone's gotten really lost.
PAYDAY 3: Jacket Character Pack | OUT NOW
Uhhh I just got 3k c stacks for no reason?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Uhhh I own Payday?
Houston Character Pack is that you?
So why can’t I get my pack tho.
So........Where is my c-stacks?
When are the Twitch Drops starting?
2.0.1 Patch Notes
2.0.1 update coming soon!
Maintenance going from 9 - 11 AM CET🗣
I don't think that's Haua.
Payday 3 maintenance starts at 7 AM CET and will last until midday.
Jacket Character Pack Trailer
Fix for dailies being pushed on Feb 3rd
Don't Be A Hero
"The predator, becomes the prey." 🔨🐔
PAYDAY 3: Dragan Files - Episode 3
Something is lurking in the shadows...
PAYDAY 3: Blog Update #39 - God fortsättning!