Tri-tip from Publix’s half off sale came out great
The CW's Nikita was a really cool show
99% of the time I'm not buying Publix beef. But I couldn't pass up a bogo on tri trip.
Accidentally sent this scan with my tax info
My 3yo sneaked out of bed and did this.
First go at cooking a fillet at home!
Is this overcooked?
I’m trying to get my wife to tell me to put my meat in her mouth
I think picanha might be my new favorite cut. Got the roast on clearance for $6/lb
Filets from Costco (1st post here)
‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ is 40 — and somehow bigger than ever
Open Decks?
So put your money where your mouth is. Where do we find remote jobs?
It actually makes more sense for the lower economy groups to board onto a plane first, as they're located further down the plane.
One of the courses at my wife's fine dining experience in India.
Quality control error - no cap
I used an Amazon ceramic coating 6 months ago
Where can I get a food shrimp taco?
Under 21 standup in Atlanta
Are you an athletic accountant?
Joined the Rivian Gang...
ITP Housekeeper Questions
Bruise I got cliff jumping
Started the installation of my new watch and what are the odds.
The restaurant I’m at has odd prices