What's the least useful thing that you have memorized perfectly?
People who have been in horibble car accident, what your story ?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
If things are starting to get serious with you and another person but you just found out they have a dog & they don’t like to put it away when your visiting should you break up with them?
Bilingual people of reddit, whats an English word or phrase that was an absolute nightmare to learn or understand?
Do you prefer to wear a bra? Why or why not?
How do you actually overcome depression? Any tips could help at this point?
What is your favorite thing about your significant other?
To people who asked for a pen every day in school. How is life going for you?
What's the oldest piece of tech you still own that still works just as well as new, and isn't obsolete?
What did your therapist tell you that flipped the switch in your brain for the better?
You died and discovered that God is a literal child who doesn't comprehend right or wrong, having created all of existence solely as toys. How do you react?
What’s a smell that instantly brings back a childhood memory?
People who are literally always late, why?
People of Reddit: when did you last cry and why?
What is your reason for waking up every morning?
What is the most important aspect of a healthy happy relationship?
What’s a widely accepted American norm that the rest of the world finds strange?
Advice from one Childcare worker to another
which animal should go extinct?
What are some cute quirks that your pets have?
What’s the worst thing you could do at a wedding?
At a bare minimum, every adult should at least know how to ______?
What is the smallest, pettiest hill you'll still die on?
What are you starting to like less and less the older you get?