Profile Review, 29M
Marge, this may be hard to believe...
rsplay - rust playground for your local terminal
Background Highlight Behavior
One whopper for the copper!
I wasted like 3 hours yesterday because I'm dumb and forgot how the game works
Am I missing something here?
Blazor vs JS Frameworks
Perpetual Burnout?
Can you help me understand why "the" is required here?
I understand loro isn't necessary here, but is this truly incorrect?
Organizational Question for Customer Resources
What took you an embarrassingly long time to figure out?
What is the purpose in frying vegetables before you boil them for soup, what does that do?
if you have to open a restaurant with only one sandwich on the menu, what is your choice and why?
W: Brahmin pen plan. H: Caps
Price Check PC: Black Hazmat Suit
H: Black Hazmat Suit. Price Check