It looks like my Walmart is no longer going to stock pokemom cards... it's a sad day
Shrouded fable kingambit illustration collection 2 for $30
Hi, is this fake?
Caught me off guard lmao, wtf
My son found this in his collection. Real or nah?
Youtubes AI Summarize feature
Thank you YouTube
Derrick removed from the Podcast Theme Song?
Am I a dick for smoking while they’re having church
Derrick's hidden box bit
Am I playing too much? - Pogo burnt into iPhone XS screen
They got me by surprise at PoGo launch, they won't catch me being lazy again.
First somewhat cool decor pikmin
Is stained glass dirty enough? (By ourselves)
Mmm pbr yummy shower 🤪
Heartwarming, Inspiring, Life-changing, and Enjoyable.
Pops loves the shirt. Being a skating youth pastor himself of days past, the shirt is nothing less then perfect! Thanks Mega64!
How many star fragments at a time?
Buying petal piles 99k each!
The Bear Isles Psychic Society is now open for business. No need to call ahead. We’ve already booked your reading for you. See you soon!
Request: Golden Watering Can
Google: always listening...
Been here for 5 minutes and no one has offered any fudge.