What's like a really good song to put on ig notes to hint that I like someone?
Decor - Phobia
[15m] guys, who match my freak
Guys, I need help.
What is the best compliment you've ever gotten?
You're organizing the Jimmy Jabs, what's your main game?
What was Boyle gonna fill Jake's saboteuer's eye sockets with?
[PART 2] This time, Amy was arrested by the police. What crime did she commit? WRONG ANSWERS ONLY
What's your favourite cold open?
[17F] befriend me or perish alone (im joking but frfr be friends with me)
As of right now when do you think the new album will drop?
You heard him
Why do we think each member of the main cast became a cop?
Let’s geek out over this amazing band.
So what did Connie Buttons do? Wrong answer only, of course.
Anyone think it would be funny if Boyle won a heist only to give credit to Jake
Captain Holt was just arrested and thrown in jail, what crime did he commit? [WRONG ANSWERS ONLY]
Let’s have a thread of the lines that make you laugh .
My favourite quote from the show
What are your Hot Takes on BNN?
[15 F]
Charles's dogs
My grandpa warming a newborn pig by furnace:).
NYT explain yourselves !