Two adults and a 5yo spending on average $450/week. What's your fam/avg?
When did you stop using a pillow to nurse?
How can I bond after giving up breastfeeding?
Not prepared for how much attention my red head baby gets
Didn't do suggested lip tie procedure and baby was breastfeeding by 6 weeks
Pediatrician said to bottle feed for a week because I'm overfeeding my BF baby
Did pregnancy permanently change anything about you?
Breastfeeding and co-sleeping has ruined my life
10 week old hasn't pooped in 48 hours
No TOG rating on most of baby's sleepwear
Abrupt weaning; please help
Refusing paci
What gift do you want for Christmas as a mom?
What choice do you regret in breastfeeding journey
I can't breastfeed without the help of a midwife or infant feeding specialist, feeling defeated
My husband called me a bad mom today and it hurt.
In a lot of ways, breastfeeding can be the easy/lazy girl option
Feel like the biggest failure
Feeling like I can’t do this
Songs to sing to baby
Sounds that you mistook for your baby
7 months fell off the bed
What comments have you gotten about breastfeeding…
Quitting pumping/nursing?