Hoping for more Fantastic Four adjacent characters in 2025 to round off the display!
I have 6 captures. No one else has more than 1. No one plays the damn objective anymore. Or is that really true?
This is new… just watched the final kill instead of Play of the Game at end of match
Why do they advertise ninjas but don’t actually have swords in the new season? 😂 same sh*t not much effort
good deal on the animated FF?
Blade from Deadpool and Wolverine announced
Parkour Snippet from Syndicate, there is some depth to be found if you look hard enough.
Avengers Doomsday starts filming next month. Any predictions or theories.
[CoD] Anyone bored of HyperX's Animations or think it's overrated? "Also give 15 year old animations some slack"
The Terminator event in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 begins on February 6th. Here's the event rewards.
This Figure is Sick. Found 1 at Target. Is this a Top 10 Marvel Legends figure already?
The slugs in this game were designed by a fucking troglodyte
I surely hope treyarch realizes how much people hate these 2 maps based on vote data..
I went positive for 2 games and this is what I got……
After a tough grind. I finally did it, how many people have this?
The worst feeling
With the way bootlegs are now, this hobby just got more accessible for everyone!
How would you rank Lego star wars spin off games?
Reboot Customization Vs Main Line Titles
Simu Liu with another update on potential Sleeping Dogs movie
Do you like the new maps?
Unpopular opinion: Sliding in this game is out of control and much more balanced in MW3.
How’s the Groot wave Nova figure? Always liked the Annihilation design more than the classic design
Do people actually think Pedro looks better without facial hair or are they just upset because comic Reed is usually clean shaven?
I’m about to crash out.