be so real is my nose big, i can't tell
I stopped seeing my old friends after quitting smoking
The truth about cigarettes
Three years apart
Stop showing your half naked body.
cried after coming home from coldplay
Roast my Idea
Cigarettes and Stress
Everyday is so different
Imagine a person who never masturbated and viewed a single second of porn . Imagine the energy , the aura and the personality of that person . It will blow ur mind .
Dreams of smoking?
my pervert psychiatrist thinks i should jerk off 3 times a week
for porn addicts
can i use nicotine patches while on birth control? Nexplanon
Koi btaado😭🙏🏻
What do you guys think of CultureCircle ? They're blowing up rn
Depression after quitting smoking?
7 days smoke free
I feel like I'm cheating
Having problems with social smoking
Why Do You Still Get Cravings Months After Quitting
Latest episode is removed 😭😔
What's something that is considered taboo in India but is completely normal?
Is my thumb really weird?
I was shocked by the movie Pretty Baby (1978)