Don’t make a scene, don’t fight back, don’t change anything.
USW Locals 2010 & 2010-01: "The results are in! Steelworkers voted 96% in favour of a strike mandate, with a participation rate of 90%."
Evans does have a better accent.
Knocked it out of the park again.
Best places to be homeless on campus for staff ?
“Queen’s? I visited campus once. They didn’t have any toilet paper.”
Limos for everybody. (Only management counts as people, and deserves a living wage.”
Finally some real world education students can use.
He was a normal guy until he came to Queen’s.
Why does Queen’s get to decide how we see our own deal?
CUPE vote NO to the deal!
In case you don’t know there is poop in the bag
This goose (reincarnation of Queen’s first provost) is bringing up a good question
Wow I didn’t expect that! Pack it up boys see you at the food bank. #strike-cancelled
“Why I helped administer universities in Scotland, Hong Kong and United Arab Emirates! And by golly it put them on the map!”
If management wants to ignore unions and treat staff poorly they should go get a job at Walmart, the public sector isn’t for you!
Smith school for wayward managers.
They will destroy your future to save a couple of bucks.
Provost Evan’s is a con man. He just came to Queen’s because it was obvious how dumb the management is.
Maybe the people who hate their staff will be nice to their students lol.
Nobody lost a semester because management went on strike.
Come on out and do your own job for once.
You checked the small print didn’t you?
Most don’t even come to work anymore. They just check teams a couple minutes a day from home.
Don’t over react. Listen to the professional liars.