I hated the Grace storyline
I officially hate Lynette
Best friend just had a baby and proudly admits she doesn’t vote
Unexplained nose ring incident
What is this??
I went to the hospital in horrible pain and needed prescription painkillers. Now I’m fraught with guilt.
AIO Recently married, baby on the way and she just shared she’s had genital herpes for 10 years
Accidentally ate an edible at 28 weeks and now I’m freaking out
AIO: Girl I was talking to removed me because of how I responded (or how I didn’t respond?)
How much weight did you gain at 26 weeks? OB told me off for gaining too much!
My restraining order expired and my abuser is trying to re enter our lives I’m panicking
Pregnant from a one night stand.
Has anyone regretting buying their first home vs renting?
My life, but in Texas
Am I the asshole? I thought we were friends
I asked my wife where the tape measurer is. She said in the drawer.
I’m a terrified mom - please give me advice
I was held involuntarily at a mental hospital for saying I didn’t want to be pregnant anymore (Texas)
Kids opened their presents without me
Relationship gets worse raising our infant
Ungrateful Child
How to accept I am not attractive?
Letting baby cry herself to sleep for hour going to make her emotionally damaged?
Peeing through overnight diapers
AIO My (35F) bf (35M) told me he wants me to keep up with my body because he is a high value man