Hernie ombilicala - recomandare medic
1 month post partum and still in pain
Weaning but struggling with clogged milk ducts
Clogged ducts while weaning off the pump
Who here always planned on 100% formula feeding without any medical reason?
4.5 cm diastasis
I did it. I decided to stop my lactation
Does breastfeeding make you look/feel ugly?
4.5 cm diastasis surgery
Anyone up 3:30am rn?
Stopping lactation
Soooo how many hours of sleep are we averaging a night? 🫠
Contractions at 28 weeks
What range classifies as a low reading?
Suplimente sarcina
How early do you tell people?
need some positivity
Why exclusively pumping is so much hated?
Anticoncepționale pentru prima dată
How many spikes do you have?
Is 126/86 a worrying blood pressure?
Does my baby have enough space in there?
Gestational diabetes diagnosis at 36w
Infectie urinara