Non-incels, there's a magic red button. If you press it, you become ugly and 6 inches shorter BUT you become the most confident and charming person on earth. Would you press it?
Meds don’t work just not motivated
Gender Dysphoria in Transsexual People Has Biological Basis
I cut off my mom and I’m extremely hurt. In need of encouragement to keep going.
I cant get over the fact that Ive wasted my teens. 19M
Stop putting yourself down
Women can't complain that men voted for Trump, men are just sticking up for themselves
Do you feel that a charismatic "felon" winning the election by a landslide exemplifies the trope of the Chad "bad boy" who attracts women effortlessly?
Trump has officially won the election, how do you feel?
Y’all ever just taste when her periods coming
Do you lay in bed all day?
could someone like me realistically find someone?
What are your "I'm not hungry" foods?
I don't wanna be helped
I’ve been procrastinating on seeking a diagnosis for almost a year and I just can’t do it
i’m 25, m, credit score low (600), $13k saved, i want either a Toyota, Honda or Nissan (2020 or higher). this will be my first time buying, any advice i need to know please?
What is the biggest thing that irks you the most about black pill?
Which job has, hands down, the worst impact on mental health?
“Gen z doesn’t want to work”
Where my people at?
That ADHD tax got me again
what Chris Brown song is this 😭?
Everyone so mean nowadays?
Tired of being a casual? Just get a monitor.