Sickening that we have to be smarter than our providing doctor’s ignorance
11wPO update
I held a farewell party to my uterus and you should too
Weight gain
Books you didn’t want to end?
Bearrus website
Dentists who had a hysterectomy
Dentist/Hygienist back to work tips after hysterectomy
Mental health professional
Nerve pain?
Honest Unsponsored Rec for Boba Protein Powder
Did your hysterectomy have other positive consequences other than the obvious (no more pain, no more bleeding, etc)?
Any legit hobbies for a depressed young adult?
Recovery has been rough and I feel so alone
4wpo and having some bad hip/leg pain.
Hysterectomy before children
Restless Leg Syndrome
Holiday blues
How do I explain to my dad…
4WPO and I’m an emotional mess
When did you remove bandages?
Sharing hysterectomy ornament
12 months on - BM’s still causing sensations?