Friend is learning R6 for the first time, how can I help him learn faster?
Help me decipher these three characters so I can redeem this damaged gift card!
This run was perfected
I speed up YouTube videos when it’s someone/people just talking. Is this a bad sign?
That number greater than 7 sure is suspicious, right Mom & Dad? Let’s take a look… A scaly sea-dweller! He ingested Kevin Parker’s MDMA! Begin the “neutralize all scaly sea-dwellers” process.
Tips for executing Doom techs on console?
Day 1: The Jaw Worm (starting a silly project)
Slay-by-Comment Season 7 Day 188: How many nuns could a nunchaku chaku if a nunchaku could chaku nuns? What’s our play? Whatever comment is most upvoted in 24 hours is what we’ll do.
Shopkeeper: "Here's the menu, what do you wanna buy?" Me: "Yes"
My first time trying a Genshin photo shoot, not too mad about my results :) apart from the pixels
What are your guys’ records?
Frequently Asked Questions - Read Before Posting!
What is everyone’s favorite plant in PvZ2?
Just had this crazy fun double omniscience run(Pandora’s box)
I haven’t come out to my parents yet and they are deeply homophobic and Christian, what should I do?
Supercell please make Field Promotion invisible!
Quick Questions, Loot, & General Game Discussion Mega Thread
Still don’t know this about Ruffs star power
I Know That Sound...
I played a couple of powers this fight
r/BrawlStars Urban Ninja Tara Giveaway!
Least number of scrolls you could win a run with?
How do I fix my mirror?
Respond to "I just took your cells" with your third emoji