Stream 143
What is the hottest title of a gay porn video for you ?
Have you ever been so bad at giving head to the point that you got kicked out of the room and you were told to leave?
Have you ever been to the gay bars/clubs by yourself ? And if so, how was that experience for you ?
Tell me a sentence a guy told you that is still stuck in your head till this day.
I am genuinely curious what ages make up this group....what is your approximate age?
11 Illinois teens charged with felonies after men lured and beaten using dating apps
I don't share the 143 hate
I love 143.
Has there ever been a time in your life that made you think “god I’m so glad I’m gay” ?
Whenever it comes to dating, what do you enjoy !?
I’m going to give them a taste of their own medicine
What is a “Pick Me “ gay.
Be honest: would you be turned on if a guy that you were talking to romantically was a little bit clingy and obsessed with you !?
Are you obsessed with your boyfriend/husband !?
What’s your political party affiliation !?
Have you ever texted your boyfriend/husband that you wanna sit on his dick ?
Straight men are extremely threatened by single CF women
Gays, what do you do for work?
Bottoms: how do you like to get fucked !?
Do you consider it a red flag if a guy that you’re tryna date doesn’t have any friends that are heterosexual men !?
What’s the craziest thing that you’ve ever done for love !?
White men: do you have people of color in your friend groups !?
Serious question: why do heterosexual people come into LGBT bars/clubs by themselves when they know that that’s not their community to begin with ?
Just like straight men would be gay for Henry Cavill, what woman would you be straight for?