I hate the “worst ever” animation so much.
Jumping on the bandwagon. Make an assumption about me!!
what's the KEWLLLLEST thing YOU CAN DOOO
What's your favorite song and an underrated song?
Guess my age and sexuality
Looking for Lofi, sort of depressing rap songs.
I did it! Over 1.000.000 minutes AURORA
I love icecream, do YOU like icecream?
you ever dont feel like wearing pants
Songs that sound like this?
How to cope with everything being grey?
Which AURORA song is this for you?
What's your least favorite thing
Best music to do coke to?
What’s your favorite kind of chocolate?
Make assumptions about me !!
what song is playing?
When I said I liked men…
To the Metallica junkies
What song is stuck in your head right now?
Does anyone know where I can get this shirt?
Love Songs?
Need songs to cry to
What is your worst fear?