Average MyNBA2k Face Scan Experience
Still a work in progress, but wanted to share my first map!
Pipe shapes and your preferences over time.
Piece 1/4
I see your fancy leather tobacco prep trays, and raise you my piece of cardboard!
25 years later - What do you think of The Phantom Menace?
My First Handmade Pipe
Love my 2 Peterson pipes
Starting my cigar collection update
Tupdate: which three would you pick?
Mail Call!
Peak piping experience
Which of these are "must trys"?
Bought my first pipe! (Estate)
What kind of lighter you guys like?
Anyone else have a very high tolerance for nicotine?
Insulation Bag for Hot Summers
Looking for a lighter English blend
Is this mold or sugar crystal?
Always straight cut, always V cut, or your own mix?
Thoughts on these spots?
Oliva Serie V Lancero
Kentucky from Toscano
I can't manage to pack my pipe correctly
Pipe Advice for Newbie