Developer Update | March 2025
Why is there no animated videos for this rift? Super disappointing
1v4 just feels like shit now
How it feels returning to DbD after 2v8
Great job Travis, Great Job…
This should be good!
Are you guys ready to see this in every match?
When is the next event after 2v8
With no incentives and just the normal amount of bloodpoints, it feels like I’m playing for nothing
Regular 1v4 sucks so bad. 2v8 made SoloQ not suck.
How many of you guys are actually playing in a 4 man
Why are people in 2v8 slow to rescue caged teammates? Why do they love letting caged teammates go into second phase?
Survivor main turning killer - tips?
My friends ban message. Is this deserved? Idrk
Miss you already
Name 1 way WWE could ruin WRESTLEMANIA
While Pinhead leaving the fog does suck this is actually a good thing for killers for 3 big reasons
Just so BHVR remembers they haven't undone this absolute joke of a nerf yet and they should really get back on that
What am I supposed to do?!!!
He don't want no woke disease
Does anyone else miss Lights Out?
Ryan is Absolutely Right 😂😂🤣
Jan 6 Insurrectionist drops new single on Rumble
So 2v8 is over in a couple of hours...