The Question about Undergraduate Program
Time period
HBKU Subreddit?
اترك الطب و احول علوم حاسوب في الجامعه الالمانيه ؟
السلام عليكم
How bad is my keratoconus and your recommendation?
25M How bad is my Keratoconus and your recommendation?
How bad is my Keratoconus and your recommendation?
Given exam in the month of Nov
MSc Robotics Interview
Important: anyone did not submit IELTS and got invited, shortlisted, or accepted this batch?
Any updates for MS CS who attended the exam in early January?
Not Interesting Restaurant's WC
Admission Application Status
Do I need to apply through the studyinsaudi portal like most other universities in saudi, or just on their website?
Accepted or interviewing CS applicants, when did you take the exam?
أماكن إقامة بسعر رخيص فندق او ما شابه
Camera not enabled in Demo Test
Could a Late Letter of Recommendation Have Impacted My Graduate School Application?
Status Update (Poll )
VSRP Interview
Did anyone get accepted today?
Research Internships