do you know more people with bd?
Seroquel and remembering dreams?
What HIMYM character would you be and why?
What's some ways you help a headache without meds?
How old is too old for anime tv and Star Wars books?
What's the best conspiracy theory you've heard?
How do you spend your time when your significant other is busy or working?
Hair products that smell delicious (and what they smell like to you)?
What is your experience with Buspar?
Smelly feet
Eric Burlison, the man who wants to federally ban a woman’s right to make her own health decisions
Holy Crap the stuff they say about diet is true, like true true.
Anyone get more scared/uncomfortable with certain movies now?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
PMS plus Bipolar Disorder has to be the worst combo ever
Schooling Advice
What side effects won't you tolerate?
how the fuck do ppl with periods AND depression not kill themselves
What commonly used expression do you really hate?
what’s the best advice you’ve been given to beat depression?
Help me name her!
Has anyone changed from Invega to something different?
Do people like you better manic?
I like how it feels to be thiamine deficient