Now the dust has settled...
In Brendan we trust!
Balls out next week.
Match Thread: Aston Villa vs Celtic | UEFA Champions League
One of the shittest days ever.
Ex put new milestone in plain sight for me to find.
I broke limited no contact
Ange to make them cry again
The clip of Christoph Waltz smiling after the Raskin shot into the moon
Matt O'Riley debut
exwBPD next relationship good?
Capt. Sig
Update 4-5 months later.
5 weeks on TRT
Ex moved on extremely fast.
Just left partner with bpd
What do i do with my ex wBPD
"I am not your mate"
How long are you waiting to date again?
would you ever take your avoidant ex back?
New here. New situation
2.5 months- it's harder than anything before?
My mom sl*t shamed me because of my outfits. How do i respond?
Why does she deserve happiness while I’m left alone.
How long have you guys been hung up on your exes?