Is it possible to find out who installed this poster? Hotel owner or gas station?
I swear I can't be the only one who noticed this back when BDSP was first released right?
30th October, 2024. The day when Yui joined Kirito and Asuna’s family
D-Day , the day SAO will be clear exactly 14.55 JP time with 6000+ player survived finally waking up in the real world but not everyone 🧡🖤
16 pulls to get 2 copies, hbu?
So pleased to be apart of this community again.
43 pack, 1 Ex, how about you?
Has Conan/Shinichi ever cried?
Who should i put in for pokémon league?
Rareware Vs. Traveler's Tales. Two British Third-Party developers from the 16-Bit Era that push the limits of their respective hardware. What's your thoughts on them, their games and which is better?
Fictional characters you think would be Sabaton fans?
Pokémon Emerald Imperium [Update v1.1]
Just got this for free..
My friends first warhammer minis! His name is Magnus and the first warhammer thing I showed him was thousand sons and he fell in love with them! Excited to show him more of them hobby!
Why am I not receiving any rewards from the community event?
after 13 years, i upgraded
Any improvements I can make to my team?
How are white Americans vs POC Americans going to be treated in Europe for the next 4 years?
Who should my last mon be?
My 3DS is *finally* HERE
Would you be against having Sabaton in Fortnite now that Festival is a thing?
Ultimate GameCube
What would be the most unfortunate Pokémon one could turn into when they first enter a PMD world? No restrictions, any Pokémon at all
My Team Going into the E4
Who has the most right to kill erebus in the Horus Heresy series