David Sucklit.
Was this a real cover page?
Made a finger style arrangement of Here There & Everywhere. Hope you enjoy!
Do you think it would’ve been a hit? 🤔
What do you honestly think when you see someone alone at a concert?
Hulk Lowgen
Rolling Stone's 50 Terrible Songs on Great Albums
The Beetles
Christina Reach-y
Will Smithers
Aerial Grande
Matt and Shane talk lumber. Shane gets offended
These two suck each other‘s cocks.
Adult Swim/Cartoon Network Pulling Several Episodes Following Recent Plane Crashes
Testing out your tight jeans in public, WCGW?
Hugh Laurie
Fuck cabbage
$5,000,000 USD straight into your bank account but wherever you go from now, it is always raining
We can’t have this guy in our social club no more. That much I do know.
For 24 hours, every time you press a button, you get $5000 and a random person who you have never met dies.
Funcle Joe
I think it’s time for you to start to seriously consider salads
Twice a week you experience a ‘jump cut’ where for you, time skips ahead 10 seconds. It can happen at any time except while sleeping. You don’t have amnesia but are frozen for those 10 seconds. How much money would it take to do this for a year?
Ridley Scott Paused Bee Gees Film After Studio 'Changed the Goalposts'
Lawn jockey? That’s a captain!