[Online] [5e] [GMT+1] [Teen] Looking for people for a new campaign, maybe horror adjacent
15 / Xbox / Mobile looking for friends
Wide Xiangling and Ayato
Who said Genshin mobile was bad?
Looking for homies
Batman is crazy rich but still has to work a night shift.
I met Kupe just one turn before he sent me this.
15/ Xbox Looking for online friends in general
15M/ Looking for online friends
What’s something in Civ that gets you riled up?
Apple man
Is this normal
Title screen broken.
I broke the title screen.
I drew this Max Verstappen Fanart on my IPad. It took me 3 hours.
I Draw this fanart on my iPad. I spent 3 hours whit it and i thought it fit here.
Thanks, I hate it. Now my life is ruined.
Thansk, I hate it. Now my life is ruined.
My life is ruined.
...You can't spell "line" with those letters.
Now What?
A Lang video