I drew half apollyon, what should I draw on the other half? (wrong answers only)
[HELP ME] Bi-Weekly Q&A thread - Ask your questions here!
What is my printer doing?
Why is the nozzle smoking?
Mods won‘t load
Ask me anything and I’ll pretend to know
Is this overkill?
I will give away 30K coins to everyone in the comments in 24 hours! FUCK Reddit Coins
[7] TW : Fr*nch. Was looking for a Kangaskhan for the Pokédex and got this instead :D
[gen8] Need 9 Star and Ribbon Seeets for Alcreamy forms
Suche noch Glorienrüstung Bitte, gibt es einen der mir das schicken kann ?
Looking for a miraidon dex entree
Suche Tauschpartner mit pokémon karmesin
Lvl 100 azumarill
Suche Violet exclusive Pokemon
Looking for Violet exclusives
Hey guys i need to evolve my dolphin.
I need someone to help me evolve my finizen, could someone join this union circle so I can do so? Thanks a ton if so.
Give me a character you love and a character you hate without saying which is which, and I will try to guess it.
[All] Out of all handheld Zelda games (besides BOTW), which do you think is best and why?
Do bigots go to heaven?
A coffee shop in Japan that allows you to pick any image for your coffee.
Why Fujitora blinded himself? Only wrong answers