type BRO I JUST ATE A and let your autocomplete finish it
Type "i'd eat a" and let autocomplete finish it.
Type "I believe in" and let your autocomplete finish it (Image not related)
Type “I do not care for” and let your autocomplete do the rest
Write "My bag is full of" and you know the drill
Type "I wanna buy" and let autocomplete finish the sentence
Type "is it wrong to" and let auto complete finish the sentence
Didn't hide my scars!
Type “I am a” and let autocomplete finish it?
Anime that will make me think?
Type “I was hypnotized to” and let you-know-what finish the rest
What song comes to mind?
What was the most spiritual / deep anime to you personally?
Type in "My dog is humping ___" and let auto-complete finish the rest (Image unrelated)
I need to know if I messed up—
Tell me what was that anime for you?
Is death note a good anime or is it trash?
Why did you start to harm yourself?
Accidentally went through a vein
Is a teacher mandated to report sh?
Do you have any good songs that you think are about sh but aren’t obvious?
What has been the reaction of someone who has seen your SH scars ?
When it's getting warmer and I won't be able to hide the cuts & scars :(
Where to find past link tunics