[Amazon] Pancellent 16.5' Endoscope Camera w/ 4.3" LCD Screen - $17.46 (was $49.90)
Transporting Wood Pallets without Roof Rack and Using Sedan
Throwing a bunch of different wood species together isn't an automatic recipe for a pretty product.
First image that came to mind watching the Superman teaser trailer
Can’t say the classic catchphrase anymore
Can Eric be Impeached?
Replacement for Berkey filters
There was a stink bug in my motorcycle glove. I rode for about 30 miles and now I have these brown spots that won't wash off.
How would I cut this “hole”?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: that bird was a sign
What would cause this?
Found hundreds of dollars worth of great condition electric tools!
Found this on top of a gas station toilet, im not a knife guy, is this company any good or are they just overpriced?
Is this the only know video of Mr Panton in person?
Overall thoughts on this for a first table saw?
Found a ton of wire.
Pegboard or French cleat?
Trying to upcycle this wine rack. Want to try hanging some plants and having vines/plants come down through the openings. What’re your recommendations for species?
Ideas on repurposing a wine rack I saved from the dump? I don’t drink
Just saved this wine rack from garbage day, I don’t drink. Any ideas on repurposing?
Quick 10 minute Friday afternoon dive today
Best hardware for floating walnut slab shelf?
On my local FB marketplace