SO hungry while on period
Inclusion is the worst thing to have happened to education
2018 Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid SEL. Need this done, how much is reasonable to expect them to quote me?
ProRaw or Raw with Moment App? (Iphone 15 Pro)
Let me know if you can join us!
Forbidden sex toy
Winners of Most Creative Costume: Pawkes, Barkbeak, and Dogby!
My Sister painted this for a friend who speaks ASL…it was a specific sign she requested for the painting but she’s lost the message thread that told her what it means. Can anyone help me figure it out? TIA!
Anyone know what I’m talking about?
[deleted by user]
Adult Child of Parent with ED Support Group?
Evolutionary ethics
Any INFP 5s here? If so, what are you like? Just curious!
Deaf Black woman detained, handcuffed by police as crying daughters asked to interpret
Ever tried to send an LGBTQ-affirming Bible argument to someone, only to have them wave it away? This is why.
Bluetooth Input Voice Amplifier App/Software
Decided to get creative with it 😂
Alice was ready for 2020 to be over; Sils was disinvited from all future parties.
My adventure buddy!
Alice really loves water..and rolling around in dirt while still sopping wet.
My airbnb guest’s culture shock😂
Sanded, painted, & modified a used black ikea desk to allow my piano to slide out, as well as a few other small modifications.