is the 360 china app safe?
Don't tell me why i do this💀
Uhh… I guess I beat the game again??
The data push earlier fix the Dragon Bruit offers in Almanac!
Test Results for Infinite-health Zombie glitch (Plants only)
How to make invincible zombies & how to kill them :
Buttercup had enough!
Let me introduce our new board cleaner!
Is it just me, or is Seaflora kinda bad?
Data push 2024-06-25
Infinite Health Escape Root Glitch is gone, patched in 11.5.
Yes!!! I have successfully sent Plant&Zombie to R0!
What are they aiming? Ghost Pepper’s friend?
This is the lag older iOS version’s players are experiencing
Well, new Sea Flora is just perfect for this.
SeaFlora changes are funny
The 11.5.1 version has dropped in iOS, but here’s the problem.
Almanah bug found
I believe In Nightcap
Guys, Dragon Bruit, I mean shadow-shroom is on the store now!
Mangofier Stats
Broski thought he immune to chill 🙏😭💀
Does anyone elses device freeze everytime this plant is placed with alot of other plants?
Version 11.5.1, cont.
Why is Nightcap not in the Almanac store?