Nassau - tourists looking for Junkanoo tickets
Got in a bag with a bunch of Christmas themed ones.
Join my Duolingo family plan!
I’m drawing your pets throughout the day today! Put them in the comments :) Despite my username, please put any kind of pet!
German soldiers react to footage of concentration camps
Post a pic of your cat in the comments and I'll doodle them :)
Show me pictures of your cat looking high.
To the asshole who sped up behind me before I could get over, recklessly went around me on the median, cut me off with my 2 young kids in the car flinging rocks at my windshield, and brake checked me, before exiting on Merrill Rd. You're a P.O.S.
What traumatised you as a kid with unrestricted internet access?
Post a Tuxie cuter than mine… i’ll wait
Ordered a 4080 from WorstBuy. They shipped me this, all shrink wrapped as if it was new.
What is your least favorite chore?
Wallets over Wombs. That's what they're all saying and I'm disgusted
I want to wrap presents for Toys for Tots
United breaks guitars
SLC, UT Childfree meetups
Is the best Nicholas Cage movie city of angels or con air?
PrickDonalds, me/nicksirotich, procreate, 2024
Eating out is just not worth it anymore.
Someone should have gotten sued over Kangaroo Jack
Einstein's child had schizophrenia and spent most of his life institutionalized
This is it. Only 2 are left. Time (Tony) vs Computers (Colin). Vote for the song YOU WANT TO WIN
Me and Sophie. She’s my rock !
This photo of Beyonce and Ed Sheeran is the perfect example of the difference in expectations that the pop industry/fans have on female and male performers
Neighbor was getting rid of this