Which Ghost Rider would you want to see in the game?
Zelenskyy telling trump europe spend more than USA
Team comp goes beyond 2-2-2 or 1-3-2
300%, All achievements, all S-Ranks, all secrets! Ask me anything!
Found NIB skylanders at 2nd & Charles. Enough to make a grown man cry.
The hate for Rocket is unreal...
Just started collecting last night
Josh just posted on Insta
Joshua Block will be Mr Based’s second kill
Who's your guys' favorite Skylander?
Is the Iron Giant an overpower character?
Need help figuring out the name of the artist
Lonely mountain tattoo !
After a 6 month hunt… I finally got one of the most rare books out there
Opinions on what your favorite Portal of Power design is? I’d have to go with the original one from SSA/Giants, due to primacy bias.
Suddenly, gun ownership is bad!
What's the worse MVP animation?
They made a mini of the man-thing
Which lord icon terrifies you when they are on the enemy team?
More damn signs...
Where to Start?
What is your favorite Skylander?
Man Thing appreciation
The Punisher by Mike Deodato Jr
Tell me your favorite skylander from SSA or Giants