You have 15$ to build a team to protect you from the rest. who you picking ?
Out of these four which anime do I watch next?
Rukia appreciation post !
One mc has to go
Of all animes in the world which one have you actually watched the most times?
You have 3 bullets. Who are you shooting?
Who would you pick?...
Who's your favorite shadow so far?
Rate my taste in women
Pink or Red Haired characters?
Who had the best 1st opening?
What's the best tournament arc in anime?
Which anime/manga character suffered the most in their life?
This should be interesting!!. Let's hear your thoughts below 👇🏼
How long till One Piece ends?
Which anime got u reacting like this ?🫠
Still the best ending to any op arc, WCI was a masterclass ❤️🥹
Who has the best female cast?
Who among the Beast Pirates would you like to get a "Redemption Arc"?
Let's Rank them. who is the toughest right now
Most badass moment in op according to u
What anime had you like this?
Which seat y'all got?
Boa Hancock new Fanart! Rate my drawing!