Anyone who also had issues with DirectX Unrecoverable Error?
PC suddenly doesn't boot with XMP enabled anymore
PC won’t turn on, please help!
upgraded GPU from RTX 2060Super to RTX 3070 and now system wont boot
Newly upgraded PC is slow.
Good UPS for 550 watts PC
I thought it would arrive to this phone...? Is this app even legit?
Is 32 gb ram really worth it?
Are theese CPU temps okay?
How many kills do you get a game?
Would an Nvidia RTX 2060 super still do good in 2023 for 1080p gaming ?
What sin have I done
Poco F5 worth it?
Could a lower end 4000 series technically beat a higher end 3000?
Poco F5 Pro battery drain. Phone getting hot at idle
New PC booted up, showed windows setup wizard. Then I installed a new NVme SSD and nothing lights up. Does anyone know what could have happened? (More details in post)
Looking for some input. Looking to get a gpu. But is It worth it considering I'm using a 5600/1070?
Pavel I can explain
4060 Ti 16GB
Is it normal for my Poco F5 to get hot
Can I get away with a 550W Psu for an RX 6750XT?
Why do ppl orb when the score looks like this
What are the easiest mistakes you can make when building a PC for the first time?
PC parts seem to receive enough power, but no POST beeps and case fan shuts off immediately
I just debloated my Realme GT2 yesterday. Is this a healthy battery usage? Do I look at the "Used since last charge" or "Screen on since last charge" to know how long does my phone lasts?