Booby's plan to fight obesity just leaked.
North-Korean Propaganda Broadcast. I fucking love the guy at 0:17.
I hate these fleeting moments of clarity...
You virtue-signaling motherfuckers gonna deny that this north-korean propaganda video goes hard as fuck or what?!
I’d rather not
ARNO DÜBEL only worked for a few weeks in his whole life. Many germans genuinely glorify him & his lifestyle.
Aight listen... I ain't no conspiracy nutjob or some shit... BUT...
I miss the old Scotty Kilmer...
Explain this.
Squad Goals!
Werner Herzog on human nature...
Werner Herzog narrates the suicide of a Penguin.
Penguin commits Suicide, narrated by Werner Herzog.
Josh Emmett vs. Bryce Mitchell (UFC 296)
Guess at this point you can only remix existing stuff...
Peak german humour
Penguin commits suicide. Narrated by Werner Herzog.
Most people think "Bruise Lee" is wearing make-up and nailed THE most hardcore chucking routine ever on his first try, which would make him THE single greatest Chucker of all time.
Bruise Lee with the most hardcore Nunchaku routine of all time 🤯
Scotty was THE greatest YouTuber of all time, for a while... It's a real shame he drastically toned down his content.
The secret in these situations is to go into offense-mode.
Upstairs neighbors be like...
I don't think Germany is extraditing, though...
"Gymnastics in the Morning" German Newspaper from 1935 recommends a sick crossfit-workout.
Crazy freekick skills. 🤯 (Just ignore the bottom part...)