Opened 100 packs.. might as well delete the game at this point.
So how’s your guys’ luck?
I ripped a 10 pack so you (really really) don’t have to
Something cool, I made in the weekend. Thoughts?
How much money have you spent on the game. Be honest.
Started yesterday i just wanted darkrai
Need a OwnTempo Rockruff
Am I the only one?
just a message to the comminuty. love!
Ummm… so this happened
I always get a shiny gyarados in each game I play (:
This stupid bug better be good
How lucky am I out of 50packs?
1 in 1.5 million chance if I am not mistaken
Got my Emblem. Saw someone talk about this deck in this community. Turned out to be great!
5 Win Streak Event
Charjabug only run: Day 7 update
Looking to trade for a Froakie
Shiny hunting poiple can you see if it's shiny on this screen ( trying to go as fast as possible)
Zeraora in 2025!?
Can't find Guzzlord!!
What’s everyone’s hardest Theme Collection they are having trouble?
No one looks forward to this
Should I go buy a lottery ticket?
Looking for Iron Boulder, Iron Crown and Iron Leaves