Congested for 2 months and now getting nosebleeds
I can’t close my mouth
Can I keep my septum piercing in?
First time nose tampon 🤣
Any guesses on what I did wrong
Does anyone else have a characters that are their favorite and they play better as
Please help. I’m day 5 post extraction. It was a horizontal impacted wisdom tooth and I wasn’t stitched up after. Not sure if this is normal but the clot seems to be shrinking and is leaving a big hole behind. Is this normal 😭
Dog and I collided, knee is still really hurting hours later
Gauze in for 10 hrs
Can I smoke now?
Hard lump on jaw
Can’t stand the pain no more
I'm so worried, Is this normal?
Large fleshy buildup 7 days post op, very slightly painful to the touch, is this something I should be worried about?
when did y’all start eating normally?
worried i might have an infection? exactly a week after surgery
Dry Socket - Need to Knows
Dry socket — am I in the clear yet?
Sigma name change?
10/10 highly recommend. On day 4.
Help—advice needed. What is this rash?
Is there such thing as too much saline?
Rhino Rocket (My Worse Nightmare)