Game where every death matters
What are the best video games stories? No spoilers please.
Why are my comments getting deleted?
Returning to work…?
What is a sign you are actually not a nice person?
(SERIOUS) Adults of reddit, what advise would you give teenagers of this generation?
(Serious) neurodivergent people, what would you want the neurotypicals to understand?
What is the most insane thing you have seen go viral?
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
What is the worst pain you have ever felt?
My Novitiate Chest Hunt Guide
Any choice based game recommendations?
English speakers. How do you pronounce ‘apricot’? A like apple, or A like ape?
What movie has the best sound track (can include features also)?
ACL recovery group chat
Going up and down the stairs
My post op recovery is turning into a nightmare. Surgeon is nowhere to be found. How should I proceed?
taking an exam on 6 days Postop?
Dear mrs. Rose - Lauryn Brooks
Can finally comfortably walk!
Injections question
Around which day were you able to start walking on crutches?
The feeling of gravity
I'm losing it.
Popping feeling