How are you all getting things done with a baby on the move ?
Hey, what can I do about microplastics on and in my food? something like cooking or that
Was told my endometriosis can be "cured" through pregnancy... For those who have gotten pregnant with endo, has that been the case for you?
Poll: are people asking to hold your baby or do they wait for you to offer?
Help! Not ready to wean but baby is barely having solids.
Baby fell off the bed — guilt is unbearable
Threw food at my partner at breakfast
My wife asked me to give up two days of custody and I said no
I’m suddenly afraid to me alone with my newborn
What is even going on the USA?
What does your toddler say when pointing at things and what is your native language?
Steigende Kosten für Betreuung
Does anyone else feel like inundated by social media posts and videos that are anti crib-sleeping?
I’m genuinely shocked this woman hasn’t baby trapped someone yet.
I miss my kids.
Separation anxiety in 3.5 month old?
Putzfrau kommt immer aufs Klo, wenn ich da bin
Bedenken zu Bindung und Professionalität in der Kita
Kind (4) reißt sich zur Bettzeit die Haare aus
UK microplastics exposure - are you concerned?
I couldn’t do it- daycare.
Vater (angehende Demenz) bestellt ständig Ware
Wie viel GV habt ihr mit eurem Partner seit ihr Kinder habt?
Dienstag entlassen, obwohl es mir extrem schlecht geht – ich brauche dringend Hilfe
Can’t get anything done with 14 month old plus extreme clinginess