Is there any significant argument for nanotexture glass?
Using an IPad Pro for Note Taking is Like Using a Leaf Blower to Blow Out Birthday Candles
I'm sorry, but another please help me choose between 11 & 13 post..
Which layout?
Is aphantasia born from miscommunication?
How long back to Hyatt Regency after Haleakala sunset and star gazing tour
How do y'all react to /exvegans
Why Are Goldilocks Stainless Steel Pans So Inexpensive? (They Have a Lifetime Warranty)
I'm pretty sure my buddy just can't visualize things either. What are your thoughts on this?
how much was your hawaiian vacation?
Apparently he LOVES snow.
How do people possibly drink caffeine on empty stomachs?
People who won't take their pets to the vet: is it generational?
Curious how many other autistic women have aphantasia. "Picture an apple in your mind"
Taking the plunge, Going non-stick in the kitchen! Best tips?
Stupid question: What’s the difference between something like a Smithey vs. a Lodge?
Lodge Blacklock?
Thoughts on the new design change?
Which vegetarian option would you serve?
Downsized to 11 - No Regrets!
Have you met the Galaxy S25 series leaks?
Sad disappointment
I don't normally preach but since you asked...
So many matching hats and scarves??
Haleakala forecast