Since this 2k is basically a bust, who do yall want on the 2k26 cover???
Best event in MyTeam this year...???
Hard Question: Best all time MyTeam Locker Code and why...???
Sweet drop for Friday
I know I'm not the only one who got Kemba...
whos the best choice from this Option pack?
Congratulations to our 2K25 Cover Design Contest Winners!
Voting is now OPEN for your favorite 2K25 cover design!
So from the Locker Code last night, I got DM Scottie Pippen from Vortex, and I know NOTHING on this card except his offensive stats are okay....., So can someone tell me about him?
Who y’all get??
r/NBA2K's 2K25 Cover Design Contest
I F****** HATE 2k! Out of the free locker code dark matter pack, I got a duplicate Embiid, and accidentally quick sold him for 3k MT....
What's a skin that everyone loves but you HATE?
What is the probability of getting 100 OVR in this pack
Which one of these would get cut?
Am I the only one who has more than 50 unopened packs?
Which player should I choose?
lineup advice NMS
Got him from Unlimited yesterday.... Is he any good?
We can all agree that I got the best loot in a game
What’s everyone’s top 5 favorite 2k songs
Can't believe they gave him out for free 😱
Can someone explain all of the Larry's and the dark matter coach thing?
The new Glen Rice and Lauri Markannen
New Terry D for season 7!