I how do I manifest faster
Text to speech for subs
There’s this one girl
Why is there no girlsss out there
I low key forgot how to manifest
Why do I just not feel anything
Why did he come back
No one EVER believes my story
Is it normal to feel like this about someone else
Is it normal to feel like this
My therapist says I’m emotionally numb
How do you make weakness into strength
Why do I keep staying up at night
Are ug subliminals really that bad?
I am happy for me
I can’t deal with the topic of mental health
I don’t feel safe in my own mind sometimes
Better than before but not whole
I never feel like I’m connected
I feel disgusting for thinking about him
Am I a bad person for this?
I need resources for a friend in Colorado ❤️
Idk if I was abused but here is my story
I know this is a stupid question
My brain can’t accept the fact I am a survior